Color Blocking in Monet’s Garden

Color Blocking in Monet’s Garden

The New York Botanical Garden has a great exhibition on display through October 2012, which they describe as a "stunning tribute to French Impressionist Claude Monet showcas[ing] a seasonally changing…
MLS Makeover: New Jersey Ranch-style

MLS Makeover: New Jersey Ranch-style

As a home makeover junkie and real estate voyeur, I sometimes cruise online listings for homes and condos for sale. It's fun to see what's available around the country. But…
Impulse Purchase: Runners

Impulse Purchase: Runners

Today's impulse purchase is inspired entirely by a sale in One Kings Lane. I've had various runners throughout the years - it's just a fancy name for a very long…
Living Like a Student in Barcelona

Living Like a Student in Barcelona

How romantic! I would love to be transplanted to Spain, living in a little apartment with some fellow student roommates. Barcelona is such a gorgeous and friendly city, it's definitely…